There is........

Crashing down, crashing down, explosions, explosions all around you.... You hear it don't you? Yeah, I know you hear it! Things seem to be falling apart. The ground even appears to be crumbling under your feet, your just waiting for it to breakaway so you fall into a deep dark hole of nothingness.  Well it's not going to happen!

There is a voice calling from deep within, an echoing sound coming from a distance telling you,

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

There is HOPE crying out! The voice that became too small to hear in the midst of the chaos around you. That voice that kept waking you up and giving you the drive and energy to push through and never surrender! The voice that said "keep fighting, you're almost there!" That voice was Holy Spirit letting you know you are not alone, there is a light that shines in you and through you that leads your way to the tunnels end and it is Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory!  God is holding you up in his mighty right hand never to let you drop into the bottomless pit, never letting you quit. Trouble comes only stirring up the coals of fire on the inside of you to light the path to your next victory!
There is...... Hope, the Hope you need is in YOU!!!
