Today is all that Matters!

Today is all that Matters, Yesterday is dead, buried and gone.  what happened in it is only a vapor, a quiet memory that every once in a while whispers into our hearing that it existed.
So now what do you do with today?  You have to Shape it!  You are the Navigator of today and what you do with it will determine if it will be remembered with joy or sadness  or if it will have a positive impact on your success in it. Map out Your Course!
To many people waste their day procrastinating, refusing to prioritize and or take responsibility to shape and mold it and it loses its meaning and form.

If God woke you up today it was because he has a purpose for you in "Today!" Don't waste this precious gift that the Lord has given you to move forward into success! Your progress in life, whether Financially, Emotionally, Physically, Mentally or Spiritually is determined by how you face and take authority over every minute of your day "TODAY."  
"You can make major moves and influence the course of someone's(Your) life "TODAY", if you choose to  do 3 things, Pray, Focus & Influence!" M. Allen

Everyday you must have a focus and a goal to accomplish.  To some it comes natural, but to others like me, I need the Lords help to maintain or get focus because of the multiple tasks / assignments in my head I must accomplish.

This is my 3 step process to get me focused on my Today:
1. Pray
Seek the Lord for instruction for your day, guidance and let Holy Spirit set your path so you are purposeful in your Today!
2. Focus
There will be distractions that will come, meant to take you off course.  You must maneuver around or over them and be relentless to purse your course of action for your day.
3. Influence
what ever you do be determined to make a mark!  Your actions will create influence because you are influential by nature, but a specific Course of action will cause a specific effect in the lives of those around you, negatively or positively. You Choose!

"Today" is your blank canvas, you choose what you will create!

It's Your Move Spirit and Life Coaching
Michelle Allen, Certified Biblical Life Coach
Cell: 424-331-8040
